EQ Quiz
Learn how to shift anger, frustration, and stress into joy. Take my free EQ Quiz and find out how!
Somatic Focusing is a protocal that was originally created by Andrea Isaacs. It is a method based on creating new neuropathways in the brain and body.
The method allows a person to shift a feeling or emotional energy that is not desired into physical energy. Like the right antidote to a poison, the body transforms that unwanted energy into a more powerful neuropathway and changes the brain to support a person into the desired new benefit.
Why Somatic Focusing is Different
Somatic Focusing is an interactive approach and protocal to self-awareness, personal development and team excellence.
There is an important experiential component which creates new neural pathways, changes the brain for lasting change and the ability to expand and move beyond your comfort zone. This greater emotional range, flexibility and comfort zone are the building blocks of increasing emotional intelligence. This will increase empathy, resilience, being more fluid in communication styles, giving more effective feedback, increased understanding and compassion, greater wholeness and inspired motivation for success.
Somatic Focusing Programs
If you’ve tried different approaches to change without success, there’s a reason why.
Use your own personal Blueprint as a guide (you can get it at EQQuiz.com), you will learn several ways to increase your emotional intelligence, and have the flexibility to respond to challenges and change in an easy, fast and effective way reflecting your mastery of and alignment between your mind, body and emotions.
The one-on-one coaching is very individualized and peels back the layers often going back to patterns that were initiated early in life that you may no longer be aware are driving you.
As we re-pattern them, you’ll find it so much easier to move through challenges, make the changes you’re wanting to make, and to have more ease, freedom and joy in the process.
Somatic Focusing courses offer easy-to-use methods that will fast track the change you want.
With simple yet extremely powerful exercises, you will get a “taste” of what it’s like to be all different personality styles and experiencing, valuing and learning how to bring each person’s gifts forward. Courses are offered both online and in-person.
For those interested in using this approach with their clients and students, a training and certification program is available.
Certification includes two week-long live in-person events, virtual modules and private coaching with Andrea Isaacs. After certification, you can be listed on the website for referrals.
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