Do you want to live a life of wholeness and integrity? I do! At least, I’ve always wanted to, though it hasn’t always worked that way.
What I learned later in life was that I wasn’t living in integrity to myself. And THAT is the foundation, the begging of living an external life of integrity. Having suffered to some degree because of that, and not wanting to re-live it, I’ve investigated how NOT to do that again. Here’s what I learned.

Listening to your body (and your three centers)
There are certain events or decisions that need to be made with only one center.
Take paying taxes, for instance. It’d be a good idea to work on your tax forms with your head, or thinking center. If you do it with your heart center, or if it were me anyway, I wouldn’t get through it!
If you’re making a decision about a loved one, you may prefer to focus on your heart center, the center which gives you the feeling of being connected to another.
If there’s an accident or emergency, it’d be important to respond instinctively from your belly or gut center.
With many other decisions like, “Should I marry so-and-so,” or “Should we buy this house?”, you may be at a fork in the road with a decision that could change a substantial amount of your future.
THIS is a time to respond with wholeness and integrity. THIS is a time to have UNANIMOUS agreement between your three centers. Actually, ANYtime you are at a turning point in your life and you have a decision to make would be a good time to focus on your internal wholeness.
Here’s How
Start by going inward. Notice your body.
- Focus your mind’s attention on your belly center.
- Pose your question and “hold” it lightly in front of you.
- Continue to focus on your belly center. Notice whatever arises.
- Be quiet; wait.
- Notice whatever thought, feeling, sensation, memory, tingle, temperature, color, etc., that arises.
And then:
- Focus your mind’s attention on your head center.
- Pose your question and “hold” it lightly in front of you.
- Continue to focus on your head center. Notice whatever arises.
- Be quiet; wait.
- Notice whatever thought, feeling, sensation, memory, tingle, temperature, color, etc., that arises.
If you can make a major decision with all three centers in agreement, you are in internal alignment and you are in integrity with yourself. And now you can be 100% behind your decision.
That is the foundation of living a life of wholeness.
If you have agreement with two out of the three centers, it still may be something you’re willing to do. But you can go into the situation knowing that’s the case.
This is one way to live a life of integrity.