Three Barriers to Creating Lasting Change
Have you reacted emotionally in a relationship or job and wish you hadn’t? I have taught and coached thousands of people around the world, and have learned that emotional reactivity is the most pervasive challenge to many people’s professional and personal lives. It can be tough when you experience anger, shyness, anxiety, etc., despite “knowing
How To Make Decisions With Integrity and Wholeness
Do you want to live a life of wholeness and integrity? I do! At least, I’ve always wanted to, though it hasn’t always worked that way. What I learned later in life was that I wasn’t living in integrity to myself. And THAT is the foundation, the begging of living an external life of integrity.
Somatic Focusing for Inner Peace
Is there a particular “hot button,” an emotional pattern you have, that you know is unreasonable and ineffective, challenges your relationships, makes life difficult, and yet it continues to arise? Do you ever say, “Oh no, I did it again; I hate when I do that!”? Do you ever resign yourself to behaviors (patterns of
Meet Andrea Isaacs
Andrea Isaacs has been working with CEOs, business leaders and their teams, empowering the lives of thousands of people in 25 countries since 1994. Her unique body wisdom system increases emotional intelligence (EQ) and helps leaders maintain their happiness, thriving relationships and peace of mind even in the midst of chaos. She guides them to